아키코가 어떤 마음으로 이 편지를 썼을 지 생각했습니다. 책 표지만 봐도 눈물이 후두둑 떨어질 것만 같았어요. 자신의 병상일기를 유리치카가 나중에 커서 본다면 또 얼마나 슬플지도 생각했습니다. 차라리 모르는게 낫지 않을까 생각하기도 했습니다. 책을 다 보고나서 든 생각은 아키코가 최선을 다해 사랑했고 떠났다는 사실이었어요. 그러면 된건지도 모르겠구나 하는 생각이 들었습니다.
여자아이가 엄마도 없이 자라면서 혼자 당황할 것들에 대해 엄마로서 솔직하게 말하여주고 있어요. 있는 그대로 받아들이고 자신의 마음을 느끼라고 조언합니다. 아키코는 멋진 여성이예요. 멋진 엄마구요. 할 수있는 모든 일을 했으니깐요. 자신이 할 수 있는 만큼요. 나머지는 유리치카의 몫이라는 생각도 듭니다.
출근 길 눈물이 앞을 가려 혼났네요....
<너를 사랑하는 데 남은 시간> 책방 가는 길 ▶YES 24
As a mother, I wrote down what I wanted to tell my daughter.
Terenin Leonid is a Russian. He was born and raised in November 1967 in the city of Rostov Nadonu. Terenin Akiko was born as an only daughter in Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture, Kyushu. By parental divorce, she grew up under a single mother until she was nine years old.
(Two people met and met a lovely child.)
When she returned home, she had a six-month-old daughter, Yuri Chika, who was a treasure. With this lovely child who will not hurt in the eye ....
Good-bye, goodbye.
My mother got sick in the fall of 2005. You were pregnant with Yuri Chika in the summer, when you were in your stomach. It was not until around June 2007 that he was diagnosed with bone marrow malignancy. The doctor says that you are only 40% likely to live for 5 years or more. Mom asked Dad like this. "You really want this baby?" My dad cried, "Yes, of course I'm sorry," I replied, "I want both. It was the first time I saw my dad crying like that.
I thought about how Akiko would write this letter. Even if I looked at the cover of the book, it seemed that the tears would fall. I thought how sad it would be if I saw his bedding diary after Yuri Chika was bigger. I also thought that it would be better not to know. The thought that came out after reading the book was that Akiko loved her best and left. Then I thought I might have been.
She grows up without a mother and tells her honestly as a mother about the things that are embarrassing to herself. I take it as it is and advise you to feel your own heart. Akiko is a wonderful woman. It's a wonderful mom. I did everything I could. As much as you can. I think the rest is part of Yuri Chika.
My tear goes to work ...
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